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Our price model

 Price model for remoteChess players 

Do you have questions about our price model? - Please ask us!

Non-members of remoteChess:
  • can play for free
  • receive a quota of 30 games on registering (games with less than 7 half moves won't be counted. If the opponent resigns prematurely the game will be refunded)
  • may only play two games simultaneously when all their credit is used up.
  • can then buy a license package (for prices see below)
remoteChess Member:
  • pay 2.00 Euros per month, minimum period: 6 months
  • may play an unlimited number of games at the same time
  • have unlimited participation at remoteChess-tournaments (without additional costs)
  • have unrestricted use
  • have access to some extra features on the website (e.g. detailed statistics, game and tournament discussions)
  • benefit from this complete list of advantages
  • Special offer: Special offer: Members who recruit new members, get 1 month membership for free.

Mitgliedsbeitrag per Banküberweisung

[ Bank account here ]
Please specify the following payment details on your remittance order:
RS-MEMBERSHIP und Benutzername

Mitgliedsbeitrag mit PayPal
Bitte einloggen für Zahlung mit PayPal! 
Partiepaket für freie Spieler:
  • 20 Partien = 2,80 Euro
  • 40 Partien = 5,20 Euro
  • 80 Partien = 9,50 Euro

Bezahlung per Banküberweisung

[ Bank account here ]
Please specify the following payment details on your remittance order:

Bezahlung mit PayPal
Bitte einloggen für Zahlung mit PayPal! 
Taking part in common remoteSchach-Tournaments
(permanent invitations):
  • 1 Turnier = 2,50 Euro
  • 3 Turniere = 7 Euro
  • 10 Turniere = 20 Euro

Bezahlung per Banküberweisung

[ Bank account here ]
Please specify the following payment details on your remittance order:
RS_TOURNAMENTPACK FOR __ T. und Benutzername

Bezahlung mit PayPal
Bitte einloggen für Zahlung mit PayPal! 
Special Tournaments:
  • Price depends on tournament provider
  • often with prices for the best players

 Pricemodel for tournament providers

(e.g. Chessclubs) 

single Tournament:
  • Baseprice 7 Euro
  • + 1,50 Euro per player
Sonstiges:own chess server, mass licenses and so on via personal request

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